Our Services

Services Rendered By MUSAB Cameroon


Free HIV screening and testing, Nutritional advice and food distribution, Carries out workshops on Female Genital Mutilation, Genital Fistula and Breast Ironing. Deworming/administration of Vitamin A, Carries out education on Palliative care/Counselling, Psychosocial support.

MUSAB has effected the provision of:

  • Financial assistance to PLWH
  • Surgical materials to Baba 1 Integrated Health centre.
  • Tablets of Soap to OVC’s and children of PLWHA under Hygiene and Sanitation.Etc.
  • Organized Back to School under Hygiene
  • Sanitation for orphans and children of PLWHA.


MUSAB has published an Islamic textbook titled "Islamic Religious Book for Ordinary Level Certificates" launched by the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in 1995, Fought for the re-introduction of Islamic studies in 1995 as a member of Association of Teachers of Religious Studies. Payment of school and exam fees for Orphans and Vulnerable children(OVCs), Payment for uniforms, books and pens for OVCs, Daily moral and Islamic instruction in Secondary and High schools, 2 radio broadcasts a week on CRTV North West, 01 radio broadcast a week with the Babungo Community Radio, Carried out parenting education for Caregivers of OVCs.

Income Generating Activities and Citizenship

MUSAB facillitates the empowerment of six villages with livelihood centres to give care and supports to widows/Orphans and Vulnerable Children(OVCs). Offers interest free loans to start-up businesses for Caregivers of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs). Offers training and mentoring to caregivers stating up businesses

MUSAB facillitates the provision of Birth Certificates to orphans and vulnerable children Spiritual guidance to Muslim prisoners in Bamenda central prison Provision of National Identity Cards for people living with HIV/AIDSM.


Trains Local Communities on Advocacy Skills
Anti-stigma and discrimination workshops against Orphans and Vulnerable Children(OVCs) and widows provided. Workshops provided on HIV/AIDS. Home visits and care provided to OVCs, Widows and people living with HIV/AIDS, Workshops on hygiene and mutual health. Carries out projects on Widowhood Rites and Rights to minimise hardship on the orphans and vulnerable children. Organizes Mass marriages for couples to secure a brighter futures for orphans, Signs agreements with Kings to end or improve on Widowhood Rites, Organizes King’s Conferences on Widowhood Rights /Orphans and vulnerable Children OVCs and Celebration of Widow’s Day.